sbenarnya..serious,xtau nk tulis ape walaupun baru first post.pelik dgn sesetengah orang yg blh tulis post panjang2 n cerita smua menda yg brlaku dalam idup diaorng.kene blajar ngan diaorang la kot.
"Just promise me one thing, promise me that when you pick the boy you're really going to be with, that he'll be someone who respects you and treats you well. And, it's someone who makes your heart race and that he's someone you love because of what he is, not what he does." first post is supposedly to be read only by girls but guys,if u want to know exactly what is in our heart,stick to this page and never leave it unless u finish reading it. some of old friends of mine,they gave me a call sometimes.u know,just to catch things up with our new life but u know what is the unavoidable question that they usually ask and i,myself end up with no answer?
"Weh,ko dh boyfriend blum?Xdek?Apsal?Larrr...carik jer la".
i laughed my ass seriously...carik jer la!?hahahha.macam boyfriend blh pegi carik kt pasar malam or pasar tani.kalu berkenan blh tawar2 harga. to be honest,i dont like doing this sort of genre for my post.especially for my first post.i have thousand of things to be my studies which is i cannot understand a thing in chemistry and physic but i still end up writing about boyfriends.u know why?stop asking me to find new boyfriend or crush.falling in love is not something that we can is not our right to control our heart.but we can control our own head.
what do i want?refer back to the quote above.even it takes 100 thousand years of time to become reality but who cares anyway?do u want to get something u really want and find it not enough or are u ready to wait for a long time and get something u need?girls...don't choose guy because there is no other guy.choose guy that u really want to end up with.getting married to and growing old together.i know this sound really cheesy but u know what i mean right?
so...see u in the next more blogging about guys i hope.i'm planning to do some posts about music,movies or even fashion,something that i have passion for.thanks for reading.
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