like i care

There is a part of me... my darkest side that people do not seem to understand. Some people think i'm a snob bitch. trust me. sometimes... i am. dont u ever feel in your entire life that you just want to be who you are with someone that you really like and to be real bitch with someone that u hate the most. this feeling is not that complicated, you just stand still, close your eyes and think... who are you, what you want to be and guess what? YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW YOURSELF. i fake a smile sometimes... but never tears. i lie to myself that this is who i want to be, this is the same person who taking PMR four years ago or SPM two years ago. but. i'm tired now. tired FAKING, PRETENDING that i'm ME. stop it. i am not gonna pretend anymore. if u heard my harsh words, trust me... i really mean it. warn you already. get it?


assalamualaikum smua!cis smangat nk adalah silly entry yg aku saje2 nk post.nk menyebarkan dakyah kpd setiap lapisan masyarakat.hhahahah.fine..ari ni aku kene saman dgn pak guard utp.dpt ler rm30 surat cinta. kene la bayauuu kalu x,xleh amik slip exam. tp nk wat mcm mane..mmg silap aku. tp that's not the point. sbenarnya, kerana saman tuh, adibah sabira pagi2 lagi dpt msj mengatakan 'ckp kt kwn ko..keter dia kene saman'. =;=' serius, rasa mcm nk bunuh diri. keter aku jadik fenomena buat seketika sbb keter aku sebijik jer kt situ. pastu senior lalu lalang kt keter aku..nampak ade sekeping surat cinta dr pak guard. arrrh... betapa 'manisnya' prasaan itu. mmg MEMALUKAN. tp...aku sejak dulu jenis yg pandai memalukan diri sendiri. serius..aku ade bykkkkk events yg memalukan dlm idup aku. sesetengah orng..dia tends utk lupakan menda tuh tp bg aku...aku MASIH ingat kejadian2 yg memalukan tu.aiihh...

first story :

time first day masuk asrama, ade sorank senior nih,ajak aku g round2 satu asrama. aku ckp ar aku malas sbb aku xtau pape psl peraturan asrama. kene pakai ape.. name tag xdek. mcm bodoh jer. tp last2 aku ikut sbb ITUKAN SENIOR.hahahah. pastu...time aku syok jalan2..ade sorang cikgu ni..well dia warden sbenarnya... tgk muka aku dgn bengisnya. lutut aku dh ketaq' u muka aku still steady sbb byk pakwes2 hensem kt tepi cikgu tuh. tiba2 dia jerit "WOI,BUDAK YG PAKAI BAJU HIJAU TU!PERGI TUKAR BAJU SKANG!BAJU ADIK KAU YG PENDEK PUN NK PAKAI KER?" aku ler yg pakai baju hijau tuh. malu yg teramat, aku angguk jer. pegi masuk asrama tukar baju tp cisssss....dpan senior lelaki dia wat mcm tuh.ingat aku ni xdek maruah ker?hahahahh

second story :

time tuh aku dipilih jadik model utk satu event kt asrama. alaa..sbb xdek orang lain nk masuk,aku dipaksa masuk oleh HICOM. walaupun pendek, tp kenapa aku dipilih? sbb..diaorng tau aku ni mudah dmalukan.hahahah, ok2.. mcm ni, time aku turun kt runaway tuh..aku jalan dgn confident nyer...pakai high heels 4 inchi kot tp xpe..demi event ni,aku sanggup...time aku habis runaway, aku paling kt kwn aku sorang nih..gelak2..ckp aku malu la apa la..pastu baru aku prasan, ramai mata tgk kt aku time tuh.RUPA-RUPANYA RUNAWAY TP ABIS LG. sepatutnya aku kena patah balik naik atas pentas. aku pun brpaling jalan mcm orang gila..naik atas pentas.senyum macam kerang busuk. dh la time tuh ade lelaki yg aku minat tgh tgk. ahh...memalukan!

third story :

duk utp..first week of MAS(minggu aluan siswa).aku lupa pakai name tag nak pegi satu aktiviti nih tp disebabkan kemalasan tahap maksima, aku xnk patah balik.aku wat bodo jer pegi aktiviti tanpa name tag pdhal aku tau, time waktu disiplin pasti aku kene. tp biasa la aku...mmg suka tangguh2 neh. tiba2 time waktu disiplin, diaorang carik sape xpakai name tag. ah...aku dh panik nk mati. aku ingat dh malam2 akhir mcm ni dia dh x panggil.akhirnya..aku bangun jalan pegi atas pentas. tayang muka seposen. abang facee jerit2 dpn aku seolah2 aku duk 4 km dari dia. diaorng ni...nk marah pun elek arr, ni kasi sembuq' atas muka. mmg annoying tul. ok.. minx maaf la,aku xsuka kt sorang facee tuh jer yg lain mmg BEST2 . ouh do i already mention yang aku wat muka seposen?ha..itu kelebihan aku. talent wat muka seposen.

perlu ker aku citer fourth story?ok2 aku wat...sbb aku ni mmg suka memalukan diri sendiri.

fourth story :

aku penah jadik ahli kelab HOST.mcm kelab debate lar.saje je aku nk wat brkaliber.hahahah. time masuk tuh,setiap member kene kasi intro speech. aku pun dgn muka seposen nk mati..aku pegi grab mic.pastu aku ckp 'well...i join this club because i want to improve my english. my english is pretty SUCK' pastu...senior2 dpan aku semua gelak mcm nk pecah perut. penasihat kelab yg duk tepi aku...tiba2 amik mic pastu dia ckp 'sorry for the word guys. u may sit now'. aku dgn muka blurnya...ape salah aku?xtau pun time tuh.pastu..kwn aku ckp 'ko ni gile ke ape?suck tu prkataan yg x proper lar.bengap la ko nih'...WUAAA! malu lagi.

kesimpulan :
kpd kawan2...jgn la memalukan diri sendiri. kalu buleh...cuba la jadik normal.jgn clumsy mcm aku..sekian


hello's been a long time since i last updated this blog. nobody cares anyway. kpd sape2 yg mmg kipas susah nk mati kpop...mesti korank dh tau psl contract termination of KARA right? for those yg wat muka pelik, mcm xtau pape..fine..aku citer skit. u know KARA?okey..bukan batu karang ker hape...KARA is a idol girl group of south korean. they have a lot of good songs like mister,lupin..watever. go google it by yourself. and..they are like really2 famous. i meant it guys. they are more successful than girls generation in Japan.

"Girl's Talk sold 107,000 copies in its first week and ranked number 2 in the Oricon weekly charts, making this the first album by a non-Japanese Asian girl group in Japan in 6 years and 9 months to sell more than 100,000 album copies in its first week"

"On January 14, 2011 Girl's Talk received a platinum certification from RIAJ, making KARA the first Korean Girl group to sell 250,000 album"

okey. credit to wikipedia. copy and paste senang keje. girl's talk is their first japanese album. it means a lot if an artist or a any group from south korean to have such an achievement because Japan hold the second largest music industry, right after Hollywood. but A THING happen when they are on the top of their career. they FILED a lawsuit,termination of contract with DSP entertainment( their own agency). i dont know what to it because of money? or just...they want a better contract? guys..remember tvxq? 5 member have been divided to 3:2 the 3 members forming JYJ and remaining 2 still using TVXQ as their name. but basically...tvxq no longer exist. THEY ARE NOT FIVE anymore. they fell apart. i dont know what really happen but i guess, blame money for everything. but this girl group, KARA... they said this lawsuit did not have anything to do with money. they just tired physically and mentally because of busy schedules arranged by their agency. so...they wanted their rights as a human being. to be able to have enough rest, spend their times with family, go back home for christmas instead of working for television programs. well...what they want is real simple but for this company, KARA is diaorang punya GUA EMAS. DSP entertainment guna diaorng semata2 utk dptkan duit.

okey.aku post jugak gmbr tvxq in case korank xknal. TP SAPE XKNAL TVXQ MMG KORANK NIH...NK KENA NGAN AKU!!!

but...jgn ckp dgn tgk satu side jer. KARA said it is because of busy schedule but...maybe money is what they are really chasing after. alasan jer busy schedule tuh.well...i cant say anything.i'm not an expert on this issue. just wait and see what happen after this and i really2 hope..dont drag this to the court.please have a meeting or private deals or watever...but DONT go to court. Going to court is the end of KARA. for kamilia(kara fanbase)..i'm sorry for what happen.

i felt the same way as u do right now when Hangeng oppa filed the lawsuit last year.but i dont blame SM entertainment either. as an ELF(super junior fanbase)....we should just stick our oppas can smile happily forever and performing on stage as 13 members again one day. fighting super junior oppa! fighting KARA!

* out of 5 members of KARA, only 3 is involved in lawsuit. Goo hara and Gyuri decided to be with their agency.*

bilik barrru yooow

hye'm 18 going 19 but basically i'm 19 la senang cter.sbb skang dh tahun 2011...2011 tolak ngan 1992 membawa maksud 19.cis...dh TUHAAA aku ni.21 dh blh mengundi...brdasarkan buku 555 yg aku guna utk mrancang masa dpn aku,spatutnya umur 25 aku dh kawin.27 dh ade anak sorank.hahahha.xdek la..i'm ssooo not this type yg merancang masa dpan. aku hnya brharap pd umur 22 aku buleh grad dgn jayanya. bachelor in technology petroleum geoscience. ITU SAHAJA.xdek plan lain dlm idup aku. nama course nmpak mcm gah tp keje korek batu.sungguh x first class.

final dh abis dn hopefully aku lepas la nk naik undergrade ni.buleh USHA2 SENIOR HENSEM. ok2. itu adlh matlamat yg kedua. yg prtama, aku nk blaja sungguh2 kasi bangga dato ahmad zailani dn datin wan raudzah. ade kwn aku prnah ckp 'ibu bapa kecilkan cita2 diaorng utk xkan kte nk kecilkan cita2 kte mcm tu saja.sia2 la pengorbanan diaorng.' ookkk...aku tulis tu amat x puitis spatutnya quote tu amat puitis. bm aku mmg fail sjak dulu

sblum balik ari tuh..kteorang kene pindah village(asrama jer)...ditakdirkan dpt tingkat 4.rasa mcm nk meraung2,menangis2,trlolong2...hati trasa dirobek,jantung trasa disentap.xleh nk ckp prasaan time tuh.hahahha.hiperbola ok.syaza n dibah mmg xaci dpt side room.bilik diaorng besar,scara automatik aku declare bilik diaorngs sbagai common room.buka puasa kt situ,tgk movie kt situ,smayang brjemaah kt situ,brgosip kt situ,smart group kt situ(ehem2)..hahahha.

okey lar.kali ni aku kasi can la kat syaza ngan dibah sbb sblum ni pun bilik diaorng kt v1 mmg dh jadik common room.muahahahha.gmbr blik aku mcm segan jer nk tunjuk.dinding colour hijau tu aku hajat nk cat colour pink.biar siti fatehah(roomate) kasi pening skit.

kecik jer ok bilik aku.stakat nk wat halaqah study group blh lar.hahahahha.bapak rajin aku.ok2.bilik yg lain2 same jer mcm bilik aku except bilik corner.ade dua. bilik corner tuh aku nk bakar time bukak UG nanti.biar korank kene tido kt luar jer.ala...sejuk ok.

erm..duk rumah xdek wat pape.xbosan tp xdek la exciting sngt.atas2 pagar jer.tido 12 jam,mkn 4 jam.dh 16 jam...tolak ngan 24..tinggal 8 jam,diisi ngan citer korea,tgk tv,brfb dn brtower stack.hidup aku mmg bahagia mngalahkan orng dh abis final year,final sem,final exam.alriteee dh u'll,dh lar brblogging.nanti dh xdek menda nk post for next entry.chow!

ayam terkejut

yawww all! cis...nk greet cara eminem. hahaha. hipokrit.

aku just nk inform kpd cucu cicit aku yg maybe mmbaca blog ni pada next 50 years bhw nenek amat trtekan pada masa ini. reaksi nenek amat lucu ktika nenek menyedari bhawa byk lg topik fizik nenek x cover. inilah gmbaran reaksi nenek pd waktu ini


jadik..kepada cucu nenek yg brnama Syed Aizril dn lagu satu Carl Zafran, nenek brharap agar kamu brdua jgn jadik engineer atau doktor. jadik la pelukis,pianist,traveler...ape2 jer la yg korank minat tp jgn masuk bidang yg ade ORGANIC kalu korank jadik tahfiz alquran lg sejuk hati nenek.

Right...done with to admit that my brain is so stuffed with those stupid formulas about magnetism,induction,nuclear reactivity,bla..bla...bla... cant stop swearing once i saw long equation that i should easily digest but i cant because ehem..dont *cough* focus *cough* in class *cough* or *cough* dont go to *cough* many 'cough' there.

i wish the airplane in the sky like a shooting stars...nope,i dont wish about useless things like that.who cares about shooting stars anyway?kids, stars dont give a damn about your wishes. sorry to destroy your childhood happy moment, but star is not a shiny princess, it is just plasma gas.EPIC FAIL,AFIQAH, it's not funny.hahahahha.

i'm just wishing or with better word 'praying'...that ALLAH help me and my friends getting through all these hardships before or on examinations. protecting us from bad health and carelessness in answering question.also giving us strength no matter what happen. INSYAALLAH...